Henry W. Coe - Wildflower Guide

Yellow Wildflowers

Aster, Hairy Golden-Aster, Bristly Golden Aster

Aster, Hairy Golden-Aster, Bristly Golden Aster

Scientific Name: Heterotheca sessiliflora ssp. echioides
Bedstraw, California Bedstraw

Bedstraw, California Bedstraw

Scientific Name: Galium californicum
Birds's Foot Trefoil, Birdsfoot Lotus, Birds's Foot Deerweed

Birds's Foot Trefoil, Birdsfoot Lotus, Birds's Foot Deerweed

Scientific Name: Lotus corniculatus
Black Mustard

Black Mustard

Scientific Name: Brassica nigra
Bladder Parsnip, Common Lomatium

Bladder Parsnip, Common Lomatium

Scientific Name: Lomatium utriculatum


Scientific Name: Achyrachaena mollis
Brewer's Butterweed

Brewer's Butterweed

Scientific Name: Packera breweri
Butter-and-Eggs, Johnny-Tuck, Yellow Johnny-Tuck

Butter-and-Eggs, Johnny-Tuck, Yellow Johnny-Tuck

Scientific Name: Triphysaria eriantha
Buttercup, California Buttercup

Buttercup, California Buttercup

Scientific Name: Ranunculus californicus
California Bay Laurel, Oregon Myrtle

California Bay Laurel, Oregon Myrtle

Scientific Name: Umbellularia californica
California Goldenrod

California Goldenrod

Scientific Name: Solidago velutina ssp. californica
California Helianthella

California Helianthella

Scientific Name: Helianthella californica
Clover, California Bur Clover, Bur Clover, Toothed Medick

Clover, California Bur Clover, Bur Clover, Toothed Medick

Scientific Name: Medicago polymorpha
Clover, Little Hop Clover, Shamrock

Clover, Little Hop Clover, Shamrock

Scientific Name: Trifolium dubium
Clover, Sour Clover, Yellow Sweet Clover, Indian Melilot

Clover, Sour Clover, Yellow Sweet Clover, Indian Melilot

Scientific Name: Melilotus indicus
Clustered Broomrape

Clustered Broomrape

Scientific Name: Orobanche fasciculata
Common Dudleya, Spreading Dudleya, Rock Lettuce

Common Dudleya, Spreading Dudleya, Rock Lettuce

Scientific Name: Dudleya cymosa
Common Groundsel, Old-Man-in-the-Spring

Common Groundsel, Old-Man-in-the-Spring

Scientific Name: Senecio vulgaris
Common Hareleaf

Common Hareleaf

Scientific Name: Lagophylla ramosissima
Cream Cups

Cream Cups

Scientific Name: Platystemon californicus
Dandelion, Annual Dandelion, Mountain Dandelion, Annual Agoseris

Dandelion, Annual Dandelion, Mountain Dandelion, Annual Agoseris

Scientific Name: Agoseris heterophylla
Dandelion, California Dandelion, Large Flowered Agoseris

Dandelion, California Dandelion, Large Flowered Agoseris

Scientific Name: Agoseris grandiflora
Dandelion, Common Dandelion

Dandelion, Common Dandelion

Scientific Name: Taraxacum officinale
Deerweed, California Broom

Deerweed, California Broom

Scientific Name: Acmispon glaber var. glaber
Derived Microseris

Derived Microseris

Scientific Name: Stebbinsoseris heterocarpa
Dobiepod, Slender Tropidocarpum

Dobiepod, Slender Tropidocarpum

Scientific Name: Tropidocarpum gracile
Durango Root

Durango Root

Scientific Name: Datisca glomerata
Field Mustard, Turnip

Field Mustard, Turnip

Scientific Name: Brassica rapa
Gambleweed, Pacific Snakeroot

Gambleweed, Pacific Snakeroot

Scientific Name: Sanicula crassicaulis
Golden Eardrops

Golden Eardrops

Scientific Name: Ehrendorferia chrysantha
Golden Fleece

Golden Fleece

Scientific Name: Ericameria arborescens
Goldfields, Sunshine

Goldfields, Sunshine

Scientific Name: Lasthenia californica
Great Valley Gumweed, Great Valley Gumplant

Great Valley Gumweed, Great Valley Gumplant

Scientific Name: Grindelia camporum
Hartweg's Tauschia

Hartweg's Tauschia

Scientific Name: Tauschia hartwegii
Hill Lotus, Short-Podded Trefoil, Colchita

Hill Lotus, Short-Podded Trefoil, Colchita

Scientific Name: Acmispon brachycarpus
Hill Sun Cup

Hill Sun Cup

Scientific Name: Tetrapteron graciliflorum
Honeysuckle, Chaparral Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle, Chaparral Honeysuckle

Scientific Name: Lonicera interrupta
Interior Goldenbush, Narrowleaf Goldenbush

Interior Goldenbush, Narrowleaf Goldenbush

Scientific Name: Ericameria linearifolia
Lace Parsnip, Wooly-Fruited Lomatium

Lace Parsnip, Wooly-Fruited Lomatium

Scientific Name: Lomatium dasycarpum ssp. dasycarpum
Lindley's Blazing Star

Lindley's Blazing Star

Scientific Name: Mentzelia lindleyi
Lupine, California False Lupine

Lupine, California False Lupine

Scientific Name: Thermopsis macrophylla
Lupine, Dense-Flowered Lupine, Gully Lupine, Whitewhorl Lupine

Lupine, Dense-Flowered Lupine, Gully Lupine, Whitewhorl Lupine

Scientific Name: Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus
Mariposa Lily, Yellow Mariposa Lily, Gold Nuggets

Mariposa Lily, Yellow Mariposa Lily, Gold Nuggets

Scientific Name: Calochortus luteus
Meadowfoam, Common Meadowfoam, Douglas' Meadowfoam

Meadowfoam, Common Meadowfoam, Douglas' Meadowfoam

Scientific Name: Limnanthes douglasii ssp. douglasii
Monkeyflower, Common Monkeyflower, Seep-Spring Monkeyflower

Monkeyflower, Common Monkeyflower, Seep-Spring Monkeyflower

Scientific Name: Mimulus guttatus
Monkeyflower, Downy Monkeyflower

Monkeyflower, Downy Monkeyflower

Scientific Name: Mimulus pilosus
Mule Ears, Gray Mule Ears

Mule Ears, Gray Mule Ears

Scientific Name: Wyethia helenioides
Orchid, Western Ladies' Tresses

Orchid, Western Ladies' Tresses

Scientific Name: Spiranthes porrifolia
Pacific Stonecrop, Broadleaf Stonecrop

Pacific Stonecrop, Broadleaf Stonecrop

Scientific Name: Sedum spathulifolium
Pineapple Weed

Pineapple Weed

Scientific Name: Matricaria discoidea
Poison Sanicle

Poison Sanicle

Scientific Name: Sanicula bipinnata
Prickleseed Buttercup

Prickleseed Buttercup

Scientific Name: Ranunculus muricatus
Prickly Lettuce, Wild Lettuce

Prickly Lettuce, Wild Lettuce

Scientific Name: Lactuca serriola
Radish, Wild Radish

Radish, Wild Radish

Scientific Name: Raphanus sativus


Scientific Name: Helenium puberulum
Rosin Weed

Rosin Weed

Scientific Name: Calycadenia truncata
Sagebrush, California Sagebrush, Coast Sagebrush

Sagebrush, California Sagebrush, Coast Sagebrush

Scientific Name: Artemisia californica
Salsify, Yellow Salsify, Goat's Beard

Salsify, Yellow Salsify, Goat's Beard

Scientific Name: Tragopogon dubius
Self-Pollinating Suncup, Small Primrose

Self-Pollinating Suncup, Small Primrose

Scientific Name: Camissonia hirtella
Sharp-Leaf Fluellin

Sharp-Leaf Fluellin

Scientific Name: Kickxia elatine
Sheep Parsnip, Large-Fruited Lomatium

Sheep Parsnip, Large-Fruited Lomatium

Scientific Name: Lomatium macrocarpum
Shrubby Butterweed, Creek Senecio, Bush Groundsel

Shrubby Butterweed, Creek Senecio, Bush Groundsel

Scientific Name: Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii
Silver Puffs

Silver Puffs

Scientific Name: Uropappus lindleyi
Smooth Cat's Ear

Smooth Cat's Ear

Scientific Name: Hypochaeris glabra
Smooth Hawksbeard

Smooth Hawksbeard

Scientific Name: Crepis capillaris
Sticky Cinquefoil

Sticky Cinquefoil

Scientific Name: Drymocallis glandulosa


Scientific Name: Dittrichia graveolens
Sunflower, California Sunflower

Sunflower, California Sunflower

Scientific Name: Helianthus californicus
Tarweed, Coastal Tarweed, Coast Tarweed, Chile Tarweed

Tarweed, Coastal Tarweed, Coast Tarweed, Chile Tarweed

Scientific Name: Madia sativa
Tarweed, Slender Madia, Slender Tarweed

Tarweed, Slender Madia, Slender Tarweed

Scientific Name: Madia gracilis
Tarweed, Threadstem Madia, Small Tarweed, Pygmy Madia

Tarweed, Threadstem Madia, Small Tarweed, Pygmy Madia

Scientific Name: Madia exigua
Tarweed, Virgate Tarweed, Sticky Tarweed, Virgate Tarplant

Tarweed, Virgate Tarweed, Sticky Tarweed, Virgate Tarplant

Scientific Name: Holocarpha virgata ssp. virgata
Thistle, Tocalote

Thistle, Tocalote

Scientific Name: Centaurea melitensis
Thistle, Yellow Star Thistle

Thistle, Yellow Star Thistle

Scientific Name: Centaurea solstitialis
Tidy Tips

Tidy Tips

Scientific Name: Layia platyglossa
Turkey Pea, Tuberous Sanicle

Turkey Pea, Tuberous Sanicle

Scientific Name: Sanicula tuberosa
Violet, Douglas' Violet, Golden Violet

Violet, Douglas' Violet, Golden Violet

Scientific Name: Viola douglasii
Violet, Johnny-Jump-Up, California Golden Violet, Yellow Pansy

Violet, Johnny-Jump-Up, California Golden Violet, Yellow Pansy

Scientific Name: Viola pedunculata
Violet, Oak Violet

Violet, Oak Violet

Scientific Name: Viola purpurea ssp. quercetorum
Western Yellowcress, Yellowcress

Western Yellowcress, Yellowcress

Scientific Name: Rorippa curvisiliqua
Wintercress, American Wintercress, American Rocket

Wintercress, American Wintercress, American Rocket

Scientific Name: Barbarea orthoceras
Wood Rush

Wood Rush

Scientific Name: Luzula comosa
Woodland Monolopia

Woodland Monolopia

Scientific Name: Monolopia gracilens
Yarrow, Golden Yarrow

Yarrow, Golden Yarrow

Scientific Name: Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum
Yellow Pincushion, Inner Coast Range Chaenactis

Yellow Pincushion, Inner Coast Range Chaenactis

Scientific Name: Chaenactis glabriuscula var. heterocarpha
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